Thursday, October 31, 2019

October Investigation

Hello everyone. It's been an interesting month. I am doing an extra post this week to get in my investigation of the month. I will still be posting on Sundays once a week.

This month was a good month with some fun stuff going on.

We finished the dog house and put up a fence for the dogs. Did a food fundraiser for the horse 4h program.
It also snowed.

^The pups before we left for camp.

We had a lot to get ready for, loading up the pickup and getting everything ready.

It was a long drive. I finished one book on the trip and one before we left. They were both good. One was called The Phantom Thief and the other was part of the series The Christmas Hostage. I beta read the second one. I will have a review for the Phantom Thief on goodreads soon.

Saw a cute old Model T on the road.
It took us two days to get to camp. We got there at dark and unpack into our cabin greeting our cousins (also stayed in the cabin).

Next day there was a ladies tea. Lots of fun. I wore my ridding outfit I made, which was fun and not as hot as I thought it would be. I didn't get any pictures, I now realize.

Mom and my sister did one table and a friend did this one ^. Both won a prize for their tables. Mom's table is the pink one in the picture before this one. 

pic above of the worship place.^ We did a few dances on special music night. I also did a guitar song while my sister did a song on her violin. 

Me in my pirate outfit.  The earring I bought at the marketplace there at the camp. A girl made them. I really like them. 

We got to see 9 of our cousins and lots of friends. We saw Grandma and Grandpa too. We have been going to this camp for 6 years now and we get to see a lot of the same people each year.

Family picture day was tons of fun. This one ^ is of my mom and all her sisters that came. Yes they are all very crazy together.

My pirate outfit. Jumping pictures are so fun!

Some of the cousins and my sister...

Saturday night they had fireworks. Lots of fun to watch. And I love to take pictures of them.

Marketplace neighbor and fellow cabin dweller. Also writer and she made the earrings. She had a lot of cool stuff at her table. 

A cousin and a friend rolling down the hill near our cabin.

Our Cabin is behind me. 

It was cold when we came home. The last nice day of this year, we moved cows home. (it my still get warm... it's been under 32 though.) 

^Whip, he grew a bit.

And also it looks like I sold my old horse... Dad is taking him to the buyers in a few days.


I entered some butter cookies in a sugar contest in town and I won in that category. My first time to win yay!

 Baby kittens, so cute. This month I had my birthday. Today actually, though I don't celebrate Halloween. I'm 19 now. not freaking out....

Stay tuned, next week I am going to have a guest post than the next week ( i hope) will be my vlog for my blogadversity.

How was your month?
Are you ready for winter?
Tell me below!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Clone Diamonds ( Part 10)

This story gets funner and funner to write. I was almost planning to end it on this story. It didn't happen there is just too much to explain. This blogbattlers monthly prompt is clone. Not a good word for me, but I made it work.

Want more? Or forgot? Catch up!

Part 1 Flowers Have Mysteries 
Part 2 Loss and Madness 
Part 3 Mayhem at Dusk
Part 4 It Happened on the Night Shift
Part 5 Airtight Solutions
Part 6 Stamped Corona 
Part 7 A Stable Connection
Part 8 Intercepted
Part 9 A Shield of Smoke

Clone Diamonds 

By Rakalyle Hier 
Words 1087

Lane looked wide eyed at Heinz . “Out of bullets?”

“And time.”

Another blast of gunfire echoed from below and pulverized the side of Heinz’s flat. Mrs. Hardy was not going to be pleased. 

“What are we going to do?” Lane shouted over the noise. 

Wailing police sirens sounded in the distance. 

We are going to move,” Heinz said. He slid across the floor and away from the windows. Swiftly he grabbed his net, and shouted to the boys. “Get out of the bathroom, we are leaving.”

They slipped out going low like Heinz. They grabbed a few glass bottles from the table. Heinz directed them to his bedroom. “Lane come on.” 

Lane crawled away from the pelted windows noticing that the sirens were getting closer. The police would take care of the gangsters. Once he was in Heinz’s room Lane shut the door and the detective opened a window and threw his net out. “Not another window,” Lane grumbled under his breath. 

“Alright onto the fire escape.” 

Lane sighed in relief. The boys slipped out onto the medal ladder. Everyone quickly left the flat and were soon on the ground. Gunfire echoed off around the corner and sirens blared. 

“Let’s go, we don’t have much time.”

Heinz hailed a taxicab and they all got in. “Diver, straight to the Gala.” 

The cab hurried through the streets. As it rushed by houses and other cars and cabs, Lane couldn’t help wonder about the mystery he and Heinz had stumbled upon. It started out with Hank Wilson, now it was much deeper, Lane wasn't sure what would come of it all.

“Drive around back,” Heinz told the driver. 

Lane opened his mouth to say something, but they were already stopping. The two boys got out, Heinz followed. “Okay, you know what to do, get to it, and don’t get caught.” Sam and Lester, both holding glass jars with purple liquid, nodded. 

Heinz turned to his assistant. “Aren’t you coming?” With that he strolled off. Lane had no choice but to follow him, while the boys took off in the other direction. 

The Gala loomed over them, casting a long shadow across the alley. The sun was sinking low in the sky. It was not long before the party at the Gala, would be starting. Lane had a feeling the evening wasn’t going to go as planned. He wasn't sure if he was going crazy or if something was starting to fit together. He just hoped he wouldn’t be in pieces by the end of the night. 

Heinz came to a side door; pushing it open, they found themselves in the kitchen.  Apron clad ladies and chiefs bustled about, food was being cooked and prepared. The detective and his assistant slipped by them. Once they had left the room. Heinz stopped. “Here Lane, take this.” He handed him a pistol. “You might need it later.” 

Lane took the pistol dreading Heinz’s plan. But he didn’t have much time to think about it. Heinz was on the move again. They soon were up stairs; a few turns lead them to the rafters. “What is this about, Heinz?” Lane asked in frustration. 

“All in good time. Wait here.” 

The detective left him, giving Lane no time to argue. Lane waited. And waited. When he heard music start up below he began to get edgy. He was surprised he could hear it so well from up here. Lane got closer to the middle and found small holes in the flooring, which was really the ceiling for the Gala. He looked through one of them and found himself looking down at the party. A chandelier was right below the hole. 

He noticed many police officers and other finely dressed ladies and gentlemen. He also spied the tables of food… and something else. Was it?… yes, jewels. No longer in crates but in glass vases out for display. Wait there was Sam and Lester. What were they doing? 

A hand on his shoulder startled him. “Ah.” 

“Grand party? Yes?”  Heinz smiled behind his mustache. 

“Where have you been?”

“Up to no good, for sure. But no, let us watch.”

Heinz and Lane filled their view with the sight below. Couples dancing; the orchestra playing. Lane spotted Chief Carmouthe. Heinz pointed. “Look who is just arriving.”

Lane looked over to the doors. Clay Emerson had just stepped into the room. He was now in a fancy brown suit, his hair slicked down, carrying a cane. He looked around before walking into the midst of people. 

Lane felt tense and he gripped the gun without realizing it. His eyes drifted to Heinz. The detective was looking at something else now. Lane followed his gaze. Strangely enough Sam and Lester were pouring the purple goo into the vases with the diamonds. Lane opened his mouth then closed it again. No way could Heinz explain this. 

The music quilted down and Lane looked to see the Chief of Police standing on a platform. “Ladies and gentlemen and officers, tonight is a special night...” Lane’s attention diverted. Clay was making his way to the back of the crowd. What was he doing?

“It’s time to move Lane, Clay will soon be noticing the problem and we want to catch him.” 

Heinz didn’t let Lane see his worried features, things could go in any direction now. He just hoped the plan would work.


Sam and Lester finished pouring the purple stuff into the glass vases full of identical, clone like diamonds and quickly hid from view. Sam noticed a guy in a brown suit who was familiar to him. 

Sam tapped Lester’s arm. “Look it’s the guy I saw with Hank Wilson.”

“I see him. Come on; we're going to follow him.” 


Heinz and Lane made their way down from the rafters. Lane gripped the gun in his coat pocket. At the bottom of the steps Heinz turned to him. “Stay here, and stop anyone who tries to get past you.” 


“Anyone.” With that Heinz left him.

Lane shook his head, he wasn’t going to stand there. He was tired of listening to Heinz. Lane looked both ways and went toward the kitchen. He stepped into the kitchen just in time to see two men in black and another fellow come in.

Lane swiftly stepped back behind a stack of barrels. They passed, without seeing him, making their way to the party. Lane had a bad feeling about those three. Not listening to the detective might have been a bad idea.


Who just walked through the door?
What will Lane do? Will the bad guys succeed? Or will Heinz stop them?
Tell me what you think!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ask Me Questions + Hiatus

Hay everyone! Today will be a short post. I will be most likely be at bible camp. If I'm slow to reply it's because the camp may not have Internet.

The title about says it all. Give me your questions. My blogadversity is coming up in November. If I get enough questions from most people who read and follow my blog. I will be doing a vlog. I'm not very good in front of a camera, though I think you would all like the vlog. Tell me what you think. Would you rather have a giveaway or something? Anyway give me some questions.

As me anything (with in reason) about books, or mystery, my animals, my favorites, about blogging....anything.

I will be back the 27th of October with a continue of my Heinz story; And get my rap up done at the end of October. Than I will decide (if I get enough questions) to do the vlog for sometime in November. I know it is going to take some time so I'm getting a head start.

Do you want a vlog?
How is your October going?
Tell be below. And start asking questions!!!!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Lock Me Up /// Songs On Repeat

A few songs Iv'e been listening to a lot. On repeat and in my head.

Enjoy some old and a few new tunes. They all give me great vibes for stories and characters. 

Lock Me Up - The Cab
This is a fun one.

Oh My Dear Lord - The Unlikely Candidates
This one has a catchy beat. Also gives me story vibes.

Unstoppable - The Score
Make you dance or give you a story idea. 

American Pie - Don McLean 

I got the chores stuck in my head for a week.

Where The Light Shines Through - Swichfoot 
Great song.

Have you heard any of these songs?
Which song do you like best?
Tell me bellow.

It's Almost August

 How is more than half the year gone by? I've been enjoying the summer. I love summer.  It's been a very rainy year which is so grea...