Sunday, August 2, 2020

July 2020 Investigation

The month has already went by. It was a good month though so much happened; lets see if I can remember it all.

Starting early in the month me and my sister entered our horses in a photo contest. I hope one of us wins. 

Me and Rhubarb after a formal photos.

I made this dress a little while ago...


Reveal time





 I entered this dress into state 4h congress fashion review which was cool. I didn't get anything, but it was fun. And I love the dress.

I also got to do my dog 4h demonstration for congress. It was all online so yeah, it was easy. 

 My sister had a graduation on the 19th. It was fun. We got to see some old friends and talk. Also Keturah and her sister came, which was great!

^^^^ Some of the kids played 4 square in the air. Also went to Jessi's for a while to watch a few Relam Makers videos with the group. 

I wrote a lot 100 for 100, The story has been going good, though some days I struggle to get 100 words. I think I have a lot of plot holes already, which bugs me. I can't help it right now so I keep writing. 

 Baby birds. They are so big already. I also started instagram this month. It's been fun. I've been learning to make a story so that's been interesting. 

I Read one book this month. I had it on a online library lone; I figured I wouldn't get to read it if I didn't get to it. Buried Secrets By Irene Hannon , It was good. 

 Things are little out of order here but I took my HiSet which is like a GED they just call it something different here. On the 13th I look the test and just god my diploma for it.

I have been sewing so much. Made this apron in a few days for my Mom. I'm entering it in fair though.

Made this dress too. I love it!!!! 

I've been pretty happy with my sewing this year. I'm crunching for time though, I sewed another Jedi robe in a three days for fair I have everything about ready. 

In August I plan to do a split challenge in a week. I'm close so I hope this will get me farther. Also I want to help you get closer to your splits. So everyday for 7 days I'm going to post my progress and some tips to get the splits. I will be posting on here, and on Instagram, so where ever you what to follow you can. To participate you can post your progress everyday or just the start to the end. On your blog or Instagram. Join me at Instagram for stories on split tips. Not sure what week in August, it will be around the 13th or 16th, stay tuned on an update. 

How was your July?
Will you join me for the split challenge?


  1. Congrats on getting your diploma!! And I LOVE that dress you made - it looks fantastic!

    I hope you have a fantastic August, Rakayle! <3

    1. Thanks Nicole! It's a fun dress! :)

      Hope you have an awesome August!

  2. Those dresses are lovely! I'm the worst at sewing. XD

    Oh, I'm definitely interested in your splits challenge! I've really slacked off with practicing lately.

    1. Thank you! Sewing is hard. XD

      Okay, that would be great if you want to join the challenge, it is meant get one back into practice. :)


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