Sunday, August 9, 2020

Questions Your Too Afraid To Ask /// Answered


yep I'm here to answer. 

First question

Hi, I know your Lamb cousins, and know the girls don’t wear pants. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on that, since I see that you regularly wear both in your pictures. Since knowing them I’ve started wearing skirts more just because I realized I really love dressing up and feeling extra feminine. But I also wear pants because some things (like riding horses) is a lot easier in britches. :) But my experience has been that when I wear skirts for “regular life” I get treated with a bit more respect, and feel a little more true to myself. Which do you prefer? Do you ever feel like people treat you differently when you’re wearing a skirt?

Answer: This is an interesting question, it's true and I've thought about it some as well. Not all our cousins who are from our family wear skirts all the time ; but the ones you are thinking of do. Its how we were raised and how our mothers were raised to dress. My mom was raised to wear skirts for church and for daily wear, but for chores she wore pants and for riding. My mom had 8 siblings and each of them has a different look on how to dress. The oldest Mom's brother married and she was taught to always wear skits, skirts were modest. So the girls there taught to always skirts. I like both. I've always worn skirts or dresses for church, but I like to were pants for chores and riding, it's way easier and I'm more comfortable. I think over time we come to our own way to look at dressing in skirts. I like to dress in skirts and dress up, but I don't find a lot things to do it for. I'm not sure if Iv'e noticed being treated differently wearing a skirt. I don't really have a problem with pants or skirts. But some places one or the other is more practical. 

Second question

Which is more annoying to you when you’re watching a movie with someone: when they keep repeating all the quotable lines out loud like a mimicking toddler, or when they never staunch their vocal commentary about what the director did wrong because it’s totally not like the book?

A: Sometimes we all go crazy and quote a line or so quote for quote.Let's just say we watch the same movies too much.  It can be annoying.  But it is way more annoying to have them talk about what was wrong with the movie. That happens too much............................... 

Question about my writing

What is your favorite part of the writing process—brainstorming, planning, writing, or revising? What is your most consistent source of story ideas (watching movies, reading other books, dreams, etc.)? Have you ever written a fanfic piece? Who is your favorite author whose style you’d like to emulate? Do you prefer the mystery, adventure, or drama aspect in novels? What is a favorite book you’ve read in each of those categories? Thanks! I loved the May posts!!!

A: I love the planning so much. It might be my favorite, but I do love the writing too. Movies can be a big part of getting Ideas, and books. Sometimes it can just be a word or something else that gives me an idea for a story. I haven't had too many dreams that gave me a story idea. Iv'e not written a fanfic yet. I want to, I really want to!  Well I really like Andrew Klavan's writing style and I'd like to write like him in some ways. Of course I like the way the Hardy Boys are written too, so some books I want a slight feel of how they are. I love the mystery in a story, though adventure is great too. I'm not into drama as much. For mystery, one of my favorite is Murder on the Orient Express. For adventure, If I Survive, by Andrew Klavan. For drama I'm not into much drama, but I think the one book I just read Buried Secrets by Irene Hannon, has some drama. That would be favorite.  

Questions from Skye
 What is your writing process like?
What is your favorite thing to write?

My writing process can be kind of crazy. First I get an idea, either I plan it out on paper or most of it stays in my head. I kind of plan as I go too. Most of the time I have written in notebooks. So after I have it planned I start writing in a notebook. Once I finish it, I normally let it sit a while before typing it onto the computer. I do some editing and work on the story, but I'm mostly trying to get it on my computer. Once I've finish that I let it sit a bit before coming back and editing. Now the next step I haven't done a lot on yet. But I would let others read it and get feedback before doing more edits. Most of the time I'm working on more than one project at a time. 
I love to write a lot of things, but my favorite has got to be mystery and thrillers, something that is high pace and were the reader has a chance to solve the mystery with the characters.

Questions from MovieCritic 

What is the best red herring in a mystery that you've read?
What is a book you wish would be made into a movie? Who would you cast?
What is the easiest way to train horses?

A:   Anyone of Agatha Christie's books have a great red herring. But this one got me good, Murder of Roger Ackroyd.
I would really like the Dragon in our Mist series to be made into a movie. Not sure who I would cast. I'm sure there are some good actors who would fit. 
Well, if your training a horse from the beginning. It's not really easy, but if you get them young that's one why to start making it easier. If you get them well de-spooked and calm and start longing them it will make things a lot easier.  If you start right, it will make it easier, also you want to have lots of experience on other trained horses before you start training a young horse.

Well that's my two cents ....

What would your answers be?
Have you learned anything new?

Stay tuned I'm planning on doing a split challenge soon. 


  1. My writing process is a bit crazy too. :D

    1. Yeah, each book seems to have a different process .... ;D

  2. Agatha Christie has the most amazing red herrings! I haven't read The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, but I should!

    1. She does have some good mysterys! It's a puzzling story!

  3. HAHA love the first question!
    I don't think about it all that much, since I do it, you know, all the time. I should probably write something on it since I've started wearing pants myself sometimes for certain things.


    1. Yeah I thought it was an interesting question. ;) I think most would find your take on it intriguing. Sometimes pants are nice to have. :)


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