Sunday, September 6, 2020

What I've Been Thinking About

 It's September already.... I didn't really have a post idea today So I hope you don't mind me sharing a few thoughts. 

If you don't know I've been reading through the Bible. I'm in the Prophets (almost finished) and am thinking how different that time in Israel is from us, but maybe not so much. It's like who are the prophets today? Who of us are really hearing from God? Just my thoughts. Though things have changed sense the Old Testament. I still think we should pay attention who God's prophets are and who are not his prophets. Who are we listening to? 

I've been thinking about sewing and want to start a business ( in sewing clothes) so I've been going up and down about what I want to do. It's a complicating process. Course I have a lot, lot of projects I want to do. Sewing life. I have no idea what to call it. If you have any ideas.... Let me know. 

Iv'e been thinking about getting ready for camp, it's coming so fast. We will see how it all works out. 

I've been thinking about starting a Youtube Channel, about sewing and just fun stuff. I'm not sure how it's going to work out. I'm not so good on the camera. Maybe I could get better?

Well that's that. It's a short post, but I figured I should do something. :)  If you have any ideas for me to get these thoughts together, let me know. 

What Have you been thinking about?

How has your week been?

Tell me bellow.


  1. Hey Rakayle! My blog turned 1 Monday, and I am doing a giveaway if you want to join!
    also you should start a youtube channel

    1. Hi Jacie! Oh fun! I will be sure to check it out, thanks for telling me ;) .
      I want to, thanks for your input!

  2. Your thinking about starting a business? Fantastic! I wish you the best in whatever you decide! :)

  3. A YouTube channel sounds really cool. Oh and the business too, best of luck with whatever you decide to do. :D

    1. I think it would be cool ;) we will see what works out! Thank You!


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