Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 2020 Investigation

Its been a spring type month here. We have had snow... wind... now it's gotten nicer, though today it is raining as I write this.

I started some knitting projects. Also wanting to try crocheting.

I have been working with my horses. They are shedding so I get covered in hair and almost always find one in my mouth after brushing them. They are looking pretty.

I did a writing challenge this month, I got around 1,360 words written, but I haven't gotten back to writing since.

Have I finished any books? No... I'm reading a book. There is still a few days left I might get it finished? I did listen to the audio drama of Ben Hur. It was really good, got me to thinking. I really recommend. Now I want to read the book.

 Been doing my thing... Not many new things have happened this month besides the fact that it's getting to be like spring. Also my brother's birthday is at the end of this month. We are having a party in May. Which I think is going to be very fun, we've been doing some fun planning.

I have made progress sewing. I have my dress together now, I just have to put the zipper on and hem it up, I'm so excited. You will see pictures soon.
Let me know if you all would like to do a outfit contest of sort, it doesn't involve sewing, just dress up... let me know.

 The kittens are getting bigger.

I'm still working on my splits, I sometimes fall back than get way better, I will be doing a post on that some time.

^They are so cute and they all want to be on me.

I have a lot of plans for May on this blog, so stay tuned, I've been working on it this month.

How has your month been?
Are you excited for summer? 
Tell me bellow!


  1. Aww your kittens are so cute!!

    I've been working on splits too, and it can be really discouraging sometimes! Some days I feel like I've made huge progress and the next I feel stiff as a board. xD But we can do it! Good luck! :D

    Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for May!

    1. Thanks!!!
      I know, some days my hamstrings just don't want streach. We can!! Thanks Emily! ;D


  2. Sooo cutee! OMG, I hope oneday I can have my kitten!

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  3. KITTENS!!!! <3 Awwwwwwww!!!!

    I hate the shedding season...seems like no matter which way the wind is blowing, all the hair you brush off the horse ends up in your face!

  4. Kittens and sewing, love that! Can't wait for pictures of the dress.

    1. They are both fun. I will be sure to put a picture up soon. ;)

  5. seems like it's been a nice month. Love to see a post on your splits. Mine have been rather slow coming, too.


    1. It has been a nice month. Okay, I'm excited to get a post together. ;D . Splits take time that is for sure.

  6. So fun! I also got into knitting. It's amazing! I need a change of pace now though. <3

    1. Knitting is pretty cool! ;) Having a new pace is nice, it's helped me get stuff done.
      Thanks for reading!!!

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