Another tag. I forgot how easy it was to do a tag, plus they are fun. XD
1. Link and thank the blogger who tagged you. (Thanks Brooklyne !)
2. Include the graphic somewhere in your post.
3. Answer the questions truthfully and honestly.
4. Tag 3 bloggers.
Never have I ever…
…started a novel that I didn’t finish.
I have started a lot of stories and never finished them. Do we want to count? No we don't.
…written a story completely by hand.
I have. Yep and yep, most of my stories are written on paper, by hand mind you, not you know by hook. lol...I have 4 books all in notebooks.
…changed tenses midway through a story.
No I haven't. Maybe somewhere in a sentence but not half way through. I like past tense.
…not researched anything before starting a story.
Um... I have a few times before starting, but soon or a later I end up researching a lot. I have a lot of stories that are Historical.
…changed my protagonist’s name halfway through a draft.
I might have. I know for sure that I changed the spelling of a characters last name. Also a name before I started the story, but not in the middle.
…written a story in a month or less.
Six months is the fastest so far for a big story. Any short story I have written in less than a month.
…fallen asleep while writing.
I have not, my stories aren't that boring. Also I don't fall asleep that easily. I suppose if I wrote at night I might.
…corrected someone’s grammar irl/online.
I don't correct grammar that much. I'm not much of a cop about it.
…yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of a novel.
Maybe once. Idk.
…used “I’m writing” as an excuse.
I'm sure I have....
…killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life.
I have not, I don't kill very many characters.
…used pop culture references in a story.
It's a good idea, and I need to do more.
…written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.
I'm not one to stay up or get up that early. I have not.
…drank an entire pot of coffee while writing.
I couldn't, if I do have coffee it's only ever one cup. I don't normally drink much when I write.
…written down dreams to use in potential novels.
I have.
…published an unedited story on the internet/blog/Wattpad.
I have not... not fully unedited anyway.
…procrastinated homework because I wanted to write.
Not too much, I like to get my homework done first.
…typed so long that my wrists hurt.
Sometimes I really don't like typing... I have not, that I can remember, made my write hurt, my hands can get a little cramped sometimes.
…spilled a drink on my laptop while writing.
I have not, which is a good thing.
…forgotten to save my work/draft.
Oh, I have, worst day ever. It was when the old laptop was low on battery and it just shut down before I could save my work. Now I use goggle drive on my new laptop and I don't have a problem.
…finished a novel.
I have finished 4 books but I think only two are going to be novels.
…laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene.
Well... I don't think I have. No wait, I have! I get very excited for some parts in my books.
…cried while writing a scene.
I don't have too many sad stories, maybe once.
…created maps of my fictional worlds.
I have, but they never became much a story.
…researched something shady for a novel.
Oh.... well you know what's shady anyway?... Maybe I have....
I tag
1. Anyone who likes the color pink
2. If you don't like bangs
3. If you have nothing else to post
Did you enjoy this tag?
What have you never done?
Tell me bellow!
"I have started a lot of stories and never finished them. Do we want to count? No we don't." Relatable. XD XD I finished my first first draft (other than really old ones from when I was a kid) last year, other than that all of my stories are incomplete lol. But I'm making progress! ;D
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that you write by hand! That's something I wish I could/would do more, but I think I would get so impatient. :P I used to do it all the time when I was younger, but I'm just so spoiled to typing now! I do handwrite short stories every now and then, though.
DeleteI know, most stories get forgotten. Glad you are making progress! It sure takes a while to finish a story.
Thanks! ;) It can be slow at times, but I normally think better when writing by hand. I understand, though typing is quite fast which is nice. :P
Fun tag! Quite a few answers made me smile.
ReplyDeleteMB: keturahskorner.blogspot.com
It is fun! Glad to make you smile!
DeleteI like writing in notebooks too, less distractions. Great answers!