Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Versatile Blogger Award

I was tagged awhile back, but I didn't get around to it, now I am doing it. Seems like a great tag. I did want to do a post of facts about me, well here we go.

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you. Thank You Nichole

2. Link to the blog of the person who nominated you. Done *points above* 

3. Share 7 facts about yourself. Yes! 

4. Nominate 15 more bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award. oh, ok, or um, maybe. 

Fact 1: I'm 5'4 and not growing, or so I thought 

It's probably not that interesting of a fact, but yes I am more or less 5'4. The other day though, I measured because I was measuring my siblings and it looks like I am a little taller now. Like 1/2 inch past 5'4. 

Fact 2: I didn't like to read until I was 9

Yes, I love reading now, but when I was younger I didn't like to read. Well not until I did the library program and got points for reading, also I found some books I liked. Than I wanted to start writing them too, 

Fact 3:  I have a hard time making decisions

Sadly so. I'm getting better though.

Fact 4: I love to write letters

I live far away from a lot of my friends and family so writing has always been a great way to connect. Also good since I'm not one to talk on the phone. 

Fact 5: I have never cut my hair

I have trimmed the ends of my hair and had bangs, but I have never had my hair cut by a hair dresser and I have always wanted it super long.

Fact 6:  I can ride a Ripstick 

What's a Ripstick you ask?

It's a two wheeled like skate board that you wiggle to keep it moving. TONs of fun!

Fact 7:  I play the guitar

I own a electric guitar and have lots of fun on it. I mostly play chords, but I am learning other songs with fun picking. 

I tag

Everyone who follows my blog

Do you play an instrument?
Have you ever tried a Ripstick?
Tell me below! 


  1. Fun tag! I might do this one sometime! ;)

    1. It's a fun tag! I would love to see your answers. :)

  2. Great! I love reading posts with tags, it's a good way to learn more about the blogger :)
    My height is very similar to yours! That's so cool you can play the guitar ;) I've always wanted to start learning but I've never got a chance. I like letters, too. Paper letters are so much fun! Unfortunately, I don't really have anyone who I could write with...
    Have a lovely day! <3

    1. Yes tags are always fun to read!
      Hope you get a chance to play the guitar. :)
      Yes paper letters are fun! No one to write whith? Oh, I would like to write with you. I've never written to someone over seas.
      You have a lovely day too!!! <3

  3. I've tried a ripstick, but it's so scary!! Takes a lot of balance ;) I was 5'4" and then grew another inch in my 20s!


    1. Yes ripsticks take a lot of balance also a lot of practice. :) Oh, interesting. I guess I figured you didn't grow after 18. ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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