Sunday, March 10, 2019

Spy Movies

Spy movies are like awesome movies! I haven't seen any James Bond movies or any thing like that so that is not what I will be taking about today. Stick around if you want some more spy movies to watch that are fun and have no bad things in them. 

I have listed some of the spy movies I really like. I may list more in the future. They are full of gadgets and all things spy.    

Who is Simon Miller? 

Image result for Who is simon miller

This  spy movie is really good and super family friendly!! I just watched this one not long ago. It was very thrilling but my family and me picked out the bad guy pretty fast. So worth the watch I am sure we will see it over and over again.
His family thought they knew who he was. He had to travel all over for his job. He was always getting calls. Something goes wrong and Simon goes missing. Soon his family is looking for answers and they find the truth about Simon Miller. What do they do now? Where do the go next? Can they track down the spy before the other spies do?

The Spy Next Door

Image result for spy next door

This one is a hit as well. Jackie Chan is a great actor! There are a lot of cool fight senses and cool gadgets. What is a spy without his gadgets? This is a funny enjoyable movie.
Bob Ho is a spy but he wants a slower life. He wants to get married. There is a problem, the kids hate him. He is a normal boring guy or so they think. When there mother has to leave to take care of her dad. Bob is up to watch the kids. The kids are out to get him. Can he out smart them? More trouble follows him, the Russians are after a file. Bob has it... or he did.

Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker
Image result for alex rider movie

Fast pace, James Bond type say "yes please!" I have read the books and when I found out about the movie I bought it. I really like the movie it is of course not the same as the book, it dose the book Justice and kinda makes the story better.
Alex Rider is just a normal kid who knows marshal arts, rock climbing, skiing, and more, or he thinks he is normal. Alex's uncle is a spy for IM6. Alex never knew and now he is dead. Now IM6 wants him to work for them. He doesn't want to be a spy, but IM6 always gets what they want. So he is off on a mission. Can he stop the bad guy? There is only one way to find out!

Cars 2

Image result for Cars 2

Come on don't you love cars? Yes the second one is not as good as the first, but I still love it! WHY NOT? There are spies, secret agent cars and bad guys. Some mystery. Super fun!
Lighting McQueen takes the challenge to race in the world race. Mater is mistaken for a American agent and he doesn't know what is going on. Mater goes along with Holly and Finn who are trying to find the guy who is out to get the racers. Can Mater save McQueen and stop the villain car?

MacGyver (1985)

Image result for macgyver 1985

This is a great movie full of action and adventure. MacGyver always has a trick up his sleeve. I have only seen the first season on DVD. I want to watch more. He is a spy of sorts and is always on a new mission. What would the movie be about other wise? I really like to take note of some of his ideas. Some of them I have tried and didn't work like it did in the movie (what do you expect?) Some of them would never work... yes yes I didn't try all his ideas. ( if you have seen any of the movies you know what i am talking about. If you have not. GO SEE IT)
I'm not going to explain every episode... sorry. But there are gun fights, bombs, danger, all the things a action show needs.

More movies  I like.

What spy movies do you like?
Have you seen any of these?
Tell me bellow....


  1. I had no idea that MacGyver was a movie! We watched a couple TV episodes, but we never really got into them . . .

    But I think I remember watching The Spy Next Door and really liking it! And I’ll have to put Alex Rider on my to-watch list, I’ve read the books but never seen the movie. Great post, Rakayle!

    1. Well, it is a tv show and has lots of episodes but I watched on DVD so it seemed more like a movie.

      Spy Next Door is a fun movie! Yeah, I didn't know Alex Rider had a movie when I was reading the books. It's a good movie!
      Thanks Nicole!

  2. I've seen all of these except the first one ... and that first one looks really good. I didn't know there were Alex Rider books.

    1. Oh nice! Oh yes Who is Simon Miller is super good! Yep, the books are fairly good some better than others.
      Thanks for reading!

  3. Hoho!
    Cars 2 is my favourite of the Cars franchise! I much prefer it over 1, and 3! (3 was better than 1, IMO.) ;)
    The Spy Next Door was pretty cool. Just saw it a few months ago. Really funny. xD
    I haven't seen any of the others.
    Fun post!

    1. I like 1 and 2 the best of the car movies :).
      Spy Next Door is fun and cool!
      Thanks Megs!

  4. I know a lot of people who don't like Cars 2, but I do! The spy element is so cool!!

  5. Cool! I have watched a couple of these, but will definitely check out the rest! :)

    1. They are all good movies, hope you enjoy them! ;)
      Thanks for reading!

  6. Of course I love Cars!! I'll definitely have to check the rest of these movies out. :)

    1. Cars is a fun movie for sure! :) Yes do check them out!

  7. Cars 2 is my favorite out of all the Cars movies! The spy next door is really funny, and I've read AL the Alex Rider books (they're so good!) but I haven't watched the movie yet:-)

    1. Car 2 is a great movie! I have read most of the Alex Rider books I do like all of them besides the second one ;) you should watch the movie!!!!!


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