Thursday, January 24, 2019

Hidden Messages// Cracking Codes

Every detective and spy need to know about codes. They are fun and you might want to write a secret message. Here are some types you can use for fun. Try making up your own too.

I think Codes have always been interesting. Anything with a secret and some thing hidden is a mystery of some sort and I enjoy solving anything like that. Who doesn't?


First lest look at different types of codes and how to use them. 

This first code you might have seen before. What you do is draw two up and across lines and X's like you see in the picture below. The first set is plane and the other set has dots. Now to make a message form the letters and boxes or V's to will look like this: ㇗㇘ ᒬ (cat) ᐱ ᐳ (M K) the T has a upside down L thing and a dot. The M and K are upside down ans sideways V's. 
It is easy to do it on paper.

This codes (in the picture below) is the alphabet switch around so the letters above equal the bottoms letters. It is called the key board codes because it is just the Key board alphabet. YPI MCABO? 

This is an alphabet code with the letters switched up and so on. TXXJ TX SPM AZYU

This one is easy to understand it is just number from 1 to 26 for A to Z.  try for yourself:
1 13 2 21 19 8!


Ben Gaits: "Its an aphendore cypher."
Riley Pool:"Oh...whats an aphendore cypher?"
Patrick Gaits: "Just codes."

Yes the movie National Treasure is a good example of some cool Codes and Cyphers. Some other books or movies to look up if you want to learn about some codes: Books:  Big Book of Spy Stuff,  The Nancy Drew Sleuth Book, Artemis Fowl ( first book has a cool code), Peril on Providence Island, Trixi Belden, Hardy Boys,... Movies: National Treasure 2, Tintin,

Here are some cypher like codes.

In this one below there is a number sequence on the paper it is 3 2 4 1 5. Then you take your sentence "this is easy! and write it all together like it is in the picture. Now take those letter and put them in the number order so SRY HVA TSE IES IY! this is your cypher and unless some one has the code it will be hard for them to crack the message.  

Ok this next one is the most difficult to understand and put together but will also be very hard for anyone with out the crack clue.

Alright to first we need the picture below there if you can see it is the part of the cypher. There is the alphabet. A=***** B= ****B and so on the B in the sequence means BOLD ( you might see that on the paper). So the ***** is five letter in a poem or book a group of words that look harmless. The next picture will be our sentence.

See the sentence below in the picture "to be or not to be". Anyway what you do is have that word group I will type it below the picture so you will under stand it better and I will explain.

to be or not to be that is the question to die or to live that is the question the time of life is short and the pain of death is gone. 

See the bold print in the paragraph? That is how the code works above. so you slice the works into five letter. See below. Than you can see the pattern.

tobeo rnott obeth atist heque stion todio rtoli vetha tisth eques tiont hetim eofli feiss horta ndthe paino fdeat hisgo ne 

Can you solve it? Go ahead and try. Highlight for the answer: TURNED UP GOOD EVIDENCE

Alright I have one more cypher for ya and after we can get to some things about cracking codes. 

This one is where we have a box with numbers on top and letters on the side like in the picture below. 
Pick your number and letters and your message you scramble you message and add extra letters in your box. Now write down the key. I have it on the paper. 2x 2y 4z 3y 2z 5z  you only need one of each letter even if there is more in your word. The answer ( highlight): AMBUSH

Solving Codes

Say your the one who is trying to crack a code; there are some tricks to cracking let alone just knowing some normal codes. 

First of all you should know what the most used letter are. It has help me a lot in code cracking. In order on frequently used : E is the most used letter... T A O I N S H R D L C U M W F G Y P B V K J I X Q Z.

That should help some. It also is help full if you have an idea on what the message might say. You will be doing a lot of guessing.
Also try to figure out what a signal letter in the message might be like I or A next try a two letter word AM or AN or AT  there is a lot of them so try three letter words like THE because it is used a lot. Look for messages that have things like capital words, bold words, every other letter.

Wow that was a lot of work! Hope you all enjoyed this; there is so much to codes I think I may do another post on this some time. If you all would like that?  If you want to learn some more on these codes check out they have different links there all of them don't work anymore but the one that does work  has some good stuff.

Do you like to codes?
Did you solve the codes above?
Do you know any other codes I didn't do?
Tell me below. Love all the comments!!!


  1. Brilliant! Codes are the best.
    My favorite is probably the first. I've known it as the "Pig Pen Code". Though the way I know it is slightly different. More compounded...
    Instead of the first "box" being A, and the next, B, both A and B are in the same box, but B is marked by the dot. So C and D are the middle top box, C being the empty, while D is the same, only with a dot. And so on down the line. ST, UV, WX and YZ are in the x shape.
    Does this make sense? I'm not so good at describing things sometimes... xD
    And National Treasure 1 and 2 are the best, IMHO. ;D

    1. Yes codes are lots of fun!! Oh I didn't know the name of that code :). Ah, yes I understand i have seen the code that way before, I think.
      Yes I love National Treasure!!

  2. Codes are so much fun! I really like the ones that you have listed. Can't wait to see more!

    1. I know I really enjoy codes!! Thanks! Awesome i will be planing more codes sometime!
      Thanks for commenting!!

  3. I love codes so much and wrote a whole journal in code! My siblings and I used to make up codes then try to crack them. That was a ton o fun :)

    1. Cracking codes is so fun!!! Anytime in a book where they show the code, I try to crack the code ;).

  4. Codes are so much fun! *winks*

    National Treasure!!! :)

    1. *Winks back* they are fun!!

      Yes one of my favorite movies! :D

  5. Replies
    1. Glad you like them!!

      Thanks for stopping by Nebila!


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