Sunday, November 25, 2018

What I Have Learned Sewing

I have been sewing for a while I'm not sure how long. I remember first sewing with a needle and tread. I got a sewing machine for my birthday around when I was 10. Later I started trying to sew.
I mostly taught myself a lot of what I know. In for 4-H I have been sewing for about 4 years. You learn a lot having your sewing judged. This might be a little comical. I think some of it pertains to life.

➼If you mess up, you rip it out and try again.

➸Follow the directions and pay attention.

➼Always cut out the pattern on the wrong side of the fabric.

➼Sew up all the lose edges of the fabric.

➼ When in doubt take a brake and come back later.

➼Even your dad can teach you something about sewing. 

➼Fabric is expensive.

➼It is cheaper to buy clothes than make clothes.

➼The more you sew the better you get.

➼Some things you have to let go. It can't all be perfect.

➼Some fabric is harder to sew than others.

➼Cutting out fabric can be scary.

➼Yes it matters how much fabric you need.

➼Keep track of your tools.

➼Table space, need more table space.

➼Never give up.

 As you can see I have learned a lot through trial and error. 
I know a lot more about fabric now. I really want to experiment with a lot of different kinds. Soon I will start working on my biggest project yet. I will be posting about it, all through my venture.

So have you ever sewn before? If so do you like it? What have you learned sewing? If not, would you like to sew? What would you want to make? Any other questions?
Tell me below.


  1. Very funny and so relatable! I've learned all these lessons, too. Except I don't think Dad has taught me anything about sewing.

    1. Oh, lol. Yeah, he was fixing the sewing machine and I saw how he started the machine and I figured out how to start the needle smother instead of just pressing on the peddle.

    2. Oh that's so funny! I doubt my Dad could do that. But maybe he could ;p

  2. You definitely get better at sewing the more you do it. I have learned that I don't do it enough. Well, winter is here and I might get more time in!

    1. Yes, I have started sewing mg again now that it is winter. Thanks for commenting!

  3. I love this! I use to do some sewing when I was little but now not so much.
    Simply Me

    1. Thanks! I keep finding fun things to make so I keep doing it.


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