Sunday, October 4, 2020

Books To Read This Fall

 I haven't been reading a lot, if you haven't noticed. My goodreads goal of around 40 books this year has not happened. Have I read like 7 books this year? Yeah. Yeah I have.

I just haven't made the time. In January I decided I wanted to read the bible through, and so I've been doing that, which is good, but I kinda would have liked to do something with my reading goal. 

Anyway here are some books I really want to read this fall. I should have more time, but I keep heaping things up on my plate... so yeah

The Secret of Seaside 

THis one spiked my interest a lot. I saw it at a thrift store and got it, it's a mystery, why not? I'm hopping to dig into it on my trip. 

The Pale Blue Eye

This one sounds cool, and it's a mystery, surprise, surprise, anyway I am planning on buying it, and reading it soon. 

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

I saw this one in a list of good books, so I'm going to borrow it and see how good it is. It sounds interesting and there is some sort of mystery, so there you go. 


I've been wanting to read this one for a while now. Its a true story and I don't know... it sounds interesting something a bit different from my normal reads. 

The Trumpeter Of Krakow 

I bought this one at a thrift store too, It looks good and seems like an easy read. 

What are your Fall reads?

Have you read any of these books? 

Tell me bellow. If I take a bit to get back its cuz I'm not near internet. Next Sunday I wont be posting. See you sometime.... Keep reading! 


  1. I haven't read any of these, but I've heard of the last one. I've been falling behind on my reading challenge, too, but I hope to catch up. That is so awesome that you've been reading the bible instead! I should focus on that more, too. Good luck with these!

    1. Yeah it can be hard to keep up sometimes. Thanks, it's been good reading.
      Thanks I'm looking forward to them!

    2. Oh, and by the way, I tagged you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! If you don't want to, you don't have to fill it out, no pressure! :)

  2. I don't know what Moby Duck is about, but the title sounds hilarious. XD

    1. Yeah I think it will be both funny and interesting!

  3. I'm always looking for more books. Thanks for sharing!

  4. These all look so good. I haven't read any of them, though.
    I've been a little slow on reading this year, too, but it's fine.
    I read a lot of good books, though. Right now I'm reading the Dorothy Must Die series. It's pretty good if you like fantasy.

    1. You will have to read them. ;)
      Yeah sometimes it is better to read a few good books rather than more books that are not that good.
      Sounds interesting, though I'm not into fantasy as much.


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