Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 2020 Investigation

 The month is pretty much over. At the end of this month I'm going to be gone for a week. So I might not be posting. 

The mornings are starting to get cooler and its starting to feel like fall. Though I'm not sure if I'm ready for that, but I guess its time for a change. 

Got to move cows, mostly bulls on horse back at a friends farm. It was really fun. I haven't done a cow move quite like this. It was very interesting terrain. 

Finished 100 for 100! I wrote 16,653 which was really good. My WIP has 22,000 words now. 

Of course I've been doing taking care of my animals and riding, Its been getting cold so some days I don't end up riding. Sewing some.... Reading not a lot. Just the Bible. I found a book though, that I really want to ready, so lets hope I can get it read. My goodreads reading challenge is behind my goal. ") 

Flew to a fly in, it was smaller, but it was nice to get out. I've been practicing landings with my flight instructor and let me just say, it's a challenge. The other day I did a fairly well landing, I think I did most of it on my own. 

Nala had a birthday! She is 2 now. 

Been planning my business stuff. Trying to find a name and get stuff together without going insane. Also been packing for camp. I hope we get to go, things are a little sketchy at the moment. 

Me and my sister got to milked cow for the first time. 

Not sure if I will be posting next Sunday or not, if we do head off to camp, I wont have internet. I'm sure I can set up one ahead of time. Though I'm kinda low on ideas. So if you have any, let me know. What do you guys want to see?
How was your month?
Are you ready for a change in seasons? 
Tell me bellow!!!! 


  1. Congrats on writing a 100 words for 100 days, that's impressive!

    1. Thanks! It sure helps me to get writing done. ;)

  2. I'm so happy for you that you completed the 100 words for 100 days!!

  3. Good job on writing 100 for 100! That's fantastic! Have fun at camp!

  4. I hate the cold, but not gonna lie, I am enjoying pulling out sweaters from my closet and drinking more hot tea, and not sweating the instant I step outside...

    1. Yeah the cold isn't very nice, though sweaters are fun. ;D
      I love hot drinks, though I don't mind stepping into warmth.

  5. Great job on 100 for 100! I’ve been reading the Bible a lot lately too and it’s been great. :) I hope you have a great October!

    1. Thank you Melody! It is great be reading the Bible!
      Thanks! I hope your October is awesome!

  6. I enjoyed investigation post.
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