Thursday, January 2, 2020

December 2019 Investigation

A month is gone and 2020 is  coming  here.....

This has been a messed up month for my blogging.... I was sick half of it so it really messed up stuff. I'm better now and working to get back to the normal schedule.

In writing a didn't write a lot. I made no progress on my WIP. I did how ever write the last part in my on going story Detective Heinz. I am so happy and quite surprised that I have been writing one story a month for a whole 12 months. AAAAAAAAA. Sorry I'm just so jazzed about that. I will be taking a break from that to hopefully get back to my other story.

Well reading has been slow. I finished reading the book of John, and listened to one book. I tried to start another but didn't get it done before it expired.

 I tried making some flavored popcorn... It was pretty good.

I've been finally getting back outside. Feeding horses and playing with my dog.

 Whip.... ^^^^ He is getting big.

 My sweet Nala. I've had her a year now, since November anyway, but guess what ? I forgot to say so. I forgot a lot of things in my Nov post.....

I got tickets to see a ballet show, I am so excited! I also became an AQHA member, to get Solo registered. I'm kinda excited about that cuz I want to do their riding challenge!!!!! You will be hearing more about that at some point.

Sundance and Rhubarb. They are getting so big!


We moved Solo over with the other horses. We are hoping to get everyone use to each other. ( Horses can be mean to new horses. We don't want anyone getting hurt.)

It has been fairly nice. Some cold days but we have gotten some days in the 30's and 40's which is so nice. 

I'm excited for the new year. I have lots of plans and goals I'm excited about. I'll share a few. 
I hope to ride around 200 hours. 
I want to get flexible and do the slits. 
Get a book written and get some other stories edited and maybe get some beta readers. 
Do well at fair. Practice with Nala for the obstacle course.
Take some good pictures and maybe do a photo shoot.
Sew two dresses.
Not stress out so much.
Read the Bible through in a few months.

2019 was a year to remember, though it was hard, I had a lot of good times. I hope 2020 is awesome.

I know last year I read a lot of 'words' bloggers had for the year. My word was giant killer. I'm not for sure if it fit the year, but it doesn't matter. I don't really have a word for this year, I'm just going to try to make it the best year I can.

Happy New Year!!!!!!

How was your month?
What are a few of your goals for this year?
Tell me below!!!!!!


  1. Look at all the pretty beasties!! <3 We haven't even had any snow yet here in NC, so I'm pretty happy. But...we still get lots of rain, so the winter pasture is super muddy and all the animals are probably getting sick of hay already...

    1. Yes they are pretty beasties! Snow isn't fun, but rain isn't either...

  2. Oh thanks for share your experience about writing darling, nice blog~

  3. I'm sorry that you see feeling good for a lot of December! Your pictures are so cool. Have an awesome 2020!

  4. Whip certainly has grown! He really looks like a golden retriever.
    Getting sick stinks. I got sick the first day of the new year, which was annoying. (It wasn't that bad, but colds still are a drain.)
    Good luck with your colt! I hope he has a good personality and that he gets along well with the other horses.

    1. He has grown! I know, he sure didn't get much poodle.
      Yeah, I got a cough and fever...
      Thanks Jessi! Yes I do too. ;)

  5. Oh that is so neat you're going to a ballet show. You'll have to let us know how that goes! Yeah, words of the year are kinda silly, I think. Unless one ACTUALLY comes to you. Sometimes they do for me, but not usually. Hope you can live 2020 as fully as you wish ;)


    1. Yeah I'm so excited! I will be sure to blog about it. :)
      I know, I normally find a word way late. Not sure how they are going to do anything for the year.
      Thanks Keturah!
      Have a lovely 2020!

  6. Such pretty pictures! Making flavored popcorn sounds like fun.

    1. Thanks Skye! Yeah, it is fun, I got out the old air popper and mixed together a cookie flavor topping.


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