Sunday, December 15, 2019

12 Things to do this Winter Inside

Hello has winter hit your part of the world yet? It has mine, but it could get warmer any day or it might not and I'll be freezing.

Now it is good to go outside and please do so. But today I have a list of things you can do inside. 

Make a calendar 

A new year is on the way. It can be fun to hand make a calendar or try making one on Canva, that is fun.

Color a picture

Find a coloring book and color a picture, maybe use it for your calendar.

Take fun/ weird pictures

Around the house you go and no one knows when the flash will strike.

Work on your Journal

Any journal stuff is fun. I need to get back to my art journal.

Decorate your room

Add something new. Maybe some sparkle?

Play a ping pong game

This game is fun. You get some ping pong balls, get a cup fill half with water, set it up on the floor, bounce the balls on the floor and try to get them to land in the cup.

Learn to knit / Knit something fun

Knitting is a lot of fun. Youtube has some great tutorials, maybe you could teach yourself something new. Or if you know how to knit do knit something. I just started on a Bennie. 

Make food 

I don't know, get in the kitchen and make something. I'm planning on making some cookies...

Do some crafts 

You know a craft, but cooler, try something you saw on pinterest. Or make a card for a friend.

Read a magazine 

My favorite magazine is Brio. But do read your favorite magazine. Or you could take apart said magazine and and make a craft out of it......

Do a dance 

Yes you can dance, so put on that moven music and dance.

Listen to songs

Find some good songs and relax.


And that is the list. Hope you find one or all of them interesting. 

What do you like to do in the winter?
How is the weather in your area?
Tell me bellow! 


  1. Ah, yes, all of these are great! I'm looking forward to curling up with sweatshirts. <3

  2. Oh, I like the calendar idea! I know that my sister has a lot of photos, so we should do that! I love to be outside in the snow, but these also sound so fun. :)

    1. It's really fun! Canva has some great templates.
      I know I like to be outside too. Hope you try them and have fun. ;)

  3. All great ideas! It's snowy and icy where I am right now. Perfect reading/writing weather. ;)

    1. Thanks Emily! It's snowy at my place too. Yep it is!

  4. I've been doing dance work outs for an hour every day ... So fun! And love the idea of making a calendar 😉


    1. I love to do dance workouts! It's a lot of fun! Do try making a calendar. :)

  5. I've been remodelling my bathroom. I plan to color several pictures, frame them on put them in the remodelled bathroom!! I like your ideas.


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