Thursday, September 12, 2019

Boost Your Story /// 7 Writing Prompts

Continuing with the writing and detective stuff this month, I have some fun prompts for you.

Wither your not feeling like writing or don't have an idea, these prompts should give you a story boost.

Short or long story?

 You decide

Or not?
 Chose wisely.

 Your free to use these for a story idea or pin to Pinterest.

I had too much fun with this post....

Which was your favorite prompt?
What gives you a writing boost?

Tell be below! 


  1. Do cousins inherit brilliance? Because you remind me so much of myself ;p BTW, I'm stealing one of these memes for a future blog post!!! I'll give you credit of course.

    Also, pardon my arrogance ;D I just really love this post and it makes me proud to be family ;D


    1. Haha, maybe. :D
      Ok I look forward to the post. Thanks. ;)

      No problem, glad you like the post!

  2. "That's not how the game is played! You're not supposed to use echolocation to get the piñata!" Sarah's mother snapped.
    Toreka's ears drooped as she removed the blindfold. "Sorry. I couldn't help it."
    "It's okay," Sarah said. "Next year, we'll just plug her ears."
    "Or maybe not invite aliens to birthday parties," Sarah's mom said.
    Toreka's ears drooped lower.
    "She's my best friend," Sarah said. "I'll always invite her, even if she gets the piñata on the first swing."

    1. Oh, nice story from the prompt. I like how you can see the way the characters feel about each other, in just a few words. ;)


Every comment is loved. Thank you for being kind. I will always reply so come back, I love to get to know my readers.

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