Thursday, August 8, 2019

Flash Fiction Prompt

Hi, everyone. Last week I put up a form, just to kind of see what you like to see. Stuff for the blog. Thanks for filling it out. I'm still trying to decide what I should do for the blog look. I like how it is. It might go back to what it first looked like. We will see.

I got one idea I liked a LOT so that is what I will be doing to day.

So how this works. I got a prompt (which I love very much) use it to write a short response in the comments below. The response or part can be from a character in one of your stories or a something new. Have fun!
The prompt:
We all need quotes to live by when life gets tough and for runners, there are short running quotes, marathon running quotes, quotes about running and life and funny running quotes and running motivational quotes to motivate you for your next run. Find your fitness motivation awesome motivational running quotes. Marathon motivation when you need to reach the finish line with these workout quotes

I have a short response for it as well.

"Unless I kill them. Than I win."

This came from Pinterest, I pined it to my Maverick board. I've got a story brewing. This is a part when Maverick is captured and he is talking to the bad guy.
                                      📬                                                 ðŸ“­
Now if you want to go a little farther. Email me your short story with the prompt ( you can use my part if you want) around 100 to 1000 words and, if I like it, I will post it on my blog sometime this month. Of course keep it clean or it will not be posted.


Write your character's response below! 
Can't wait to see what you come up with!



    My response:
    “So there’s only one thing left to do: Bribe them with chocolate. Works every time.”

    1. THANKS!! <333

      HAHA, LOVE THAT! Great response Nicole!

  2. hahahah your response is so spot on ;) I wish I had time to write something for this ;/


    1. :D Thanks!
      I understand. Write something later if you want. You got all month ;)

  3. Told from the POV of a non-POV character in The Red Tattoo, my unpublished novel.

    I'd thought when I struck her, slashed three deep gouges across her jaw and knocked her to the ground, she'd give up and learned her lesson, but instead, she stood and faced me. I'd never fought a female of my species, but I should have known by her scars that she wouldn't give up, and that she'd do her best to rip me apart. For every blow I stuck, she struck twice. Again, my blow to her skull drove her to the ground, but again, she rose to her feet. With blood dripping from numerous wounds, it struck me that this fight wouldn't end until she was dead.
    In the end, I got run out of the group, and my former followers decided to make her leader. At first, I hoped she led them to their deaths. After all, they'd betrayed me.
    As time went on and the bitterness of my loss lessened, I prayed she had led them to victory. Maybe she did. After all, I couldn't beat her. Maybe her other enemies learned that it's hard to beat a person who never gives up.

    1. And I now realize there are some typos/tense errors in there and I can't correct them.

    2. Oh, nice twist to the prompt!

      That is a problem, oh well it's still good. :)

    3. Thanks! It was interesting writing from the perspective of a villain.

    4. Villains are always interesting. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Heyy, I've just nominated you for an award! :D


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