Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Awesome Blogger Award Tag / tagged twice

I am a little late on this one. I just had everything scheduled for May. Welcome to June and here is the tag, I was tagged twice which was cool! 

The rules:

Thank the person/blogger who nominated you, Brooklyne and Julian

Tag your post with #awesome blogger award

Answer all the questions given to you

Nominate at least 5 bloggers and inform them of their nomination

Give them 10 new questions to answer

Brookyne's questions: 

1. What is one thing that makes you sparkle? (what you get excited abt...)

Music, also getting a new book idea, thinking and writing a fun story. 

2. After a long day, would you rather watch a movie with your family or read a good book?

Most of the time I like to watch a movie, because it seems a little more relaxing in the evening time. 

3. Have you ever tried writing backwards or upside down? Or both at the same time? 

Yes, I have tried writing backwards, I like to try to do it with my left hand it makes it a little earlier. And is a little bit of a nice challenge. 

4. What is one sport that you are really good at?

I am not sure if I am good at any sport. I do have a good throwing arm. And I am good at riding if that is considered a sport. 

5. What is one sport that you better sit out on?...or else things could be disastrous.

Um... lets see, as I said above I don't do a lot of sport stuff. I wouldn't want to do football... is that an answer? Oh and soccer would kill me, to much running. 

6. What is one book that you could read over and over again and never tire of it? And what makes that book so memorable?

I'm not one to read books over and over, but I do have some I want to read again. The series Cooper Kids Adventures is a good series that I have read twice, I do want to read them again. So I say them. They are just good books and I love the story and adventure, the characters, the series is a treasure.

7. What is a life lesson that God has taught you through a difficult time in your life? 

That over reacting is not the answer to friendship crisis, just pray and wait. They just might be going through difficult things too. 

8. What is a book in the Bible that you rarely ever read? 

Oh, well, I would say Song of Solomon. It just isn't that interesting of a book.

9. What do you love about blogging?

There are so many things I like about blogging! I Like to get to know other writers, share my stories, and I like to talk about things I love. 

10. And a fun one, if you could create a dessert that has never been made before, what would you create? 

Oh, dear there are so many great desserts out there already, what could I create that isn't out there? Ok let me think. How about a pudding cake like a cake with pudding as a layer, than whip cream and a chopped up pretzels on top.  

Fun tag! Thanks Brooklyne!


On to Julian's questions

A book you've had for a long time but still haven't read.

Oh, boy, this is a fairly good question... I have quite a few books sitting around and guiltily, I have not read them yet. ;0 
"Prisoner of the Pyrenees" by C.R. Hedgcock is one I have had on my self for a while, since my 16th birthday so 2 years... It is part of a series, I need to read it.  

A book you read right after buying it.

One book would be "The Boy Who Steals Houses" as soon as I got it I, more or less went to reading it. 

A book you regret buying.

This is a sad question, cuz I do not like getting a book I decided was not good.I have two right now that I want to get rid of. "The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding" was a bad buy, not a good book, maybe I will burn it. It was used and it is not worth much... I do not like to kill books though. 

A series that you wish you'd bought the entirety of while you were at the store but instead you just got the first one and now you have to wait to get the others.

Uh, I normally get books when all the books are already out. Ok, I know series, "Children of the Bard", by Bryan Davis. 

A book you wish they'd make into a movie.

Probably a million different books! Alright I'll just name one or a series anyway- "Homelanders" by Andrew Klavan. Please it would be the best movie! 

A book you'd love to step into and never return.

I think I would love to join Billy, Bonnie, Walter, and Ashley in the Dragons in Our Midst series, I love thought character so much! I would fight the bad guys with them. 

A book you convinced your siblings to read and they thought they wouldn't like it but they actually did.

I know I have recommended books to siblings, but I don't think they ever thought they wouldn't like them. It is very hard to get them to read my suggestions. I am going to say 

Computer or notebook for writing down story ideas/notes?

I am a note books person. All my books and story ideas are in a note book. I transfer everything to computer later. 

If you could have extra time to write some fanfiction for fun, what story would you delve into?  Would you add new characters or just use the original ones?

I haven't tried to do much fan fiction. I would really like to do some Lego stories, but I have been stalling on writing anything like that. Otherwise I think that Hardy Boy's fan fiction would be really cool. I think you just gave me an idea, Julian!

A book you can't wait to read.

I really want to get back into reading some of Bryan Davis book. There are all some newer series that are coming out I want to read them... all his books are awesome! 

I tag;

The questions:
1. What are the reasons you wouldn't finish reading a book?
2. Would you live in a land made of candy? 
3. Has the reason you started blogging changed? Why do you do it now? 
4. Detectives or spies? 
5. One book you like in a genre you don't like? 
6. What do you love about blogging?
7. One YouTube channel you recommend?
8. When writing do you listen to lyric music or instrumental?
9. Book of the Bible that you like to read the most?
10. Do you like vintage? 

What is a book you need to read?
Notebooks or Computer? 
Tell me below!


  1. Fun post!! I loved reading the answers to my questions! Also, those are great questions that you came up with to ask! :)

  2. HECK YEAH Hardy Boy's fanfiction would be great! (And I feel you on soccer . . . it seems like murder for the entire body. XD)

    Great post, Rakayle! I loved reading your answers!

    1. Yes I think it would be fun! Soccer is crazy hard!

      Thanks Nicole, glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Great post, I always love tags like that help you get to know someone a little better. :D And I would totally eat that dessert! Lol!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, tags are a great way to get to know someone!
      :D Awesome, I think it would be tasty! Lol

  4. Hey, I totally want to read that lego fanfiction ;D Also, I think Song of Solomon is pretty fascinating ... if you like to make stuff awkward, makes for a great bible study book ;) Yes, I've done this. haha.

    1. I've been thinking about some Lego stories, just haven't did it yet. :)
      Well I'm not one to make stuff awkward... haha, happy Bible studies!

  5. Hi! Great answers - it was nice to get to know more about you :) If I'm really tired, I choose a movie rather than a book, too.
    // I want to read tons of books, my list is too long, haha. And the next question - I have no idea what to choose: computers or notebooks... For example, I keep my diary on my laptop because it's easier for me (I can make a correction anytime etc) but I also have some notes in notebooks and it's just nicer to read them on paper, not on a screen! Difficult question, haha ;D

    1. Hi Ann! Glad you liked the post! :) Movie do seem relaxing.
      My list is long as well! It is a hard questions. I like to write my stories on paper, but it is nice to have a computer to edit.
      Thanks for reading!

  6. Ooo brilliant! Another tag! Thanks for tagging me, Rakayle; I'll get to this as soon as I can! :D
    The Cooper Kids books...They sound familiar! Are they by Frank Peretti? Or am I thinking of the wrong series?

    1. Your welcome! Can't wait to see your answers!
      Yes they are by Frank Peretti! He has some good books. :D


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