Sunday, May 5, 2019

Voted Most Likely Tag!

I was tagged by Emily. THANKS Emily! Here is her blogThis is such a cool tag! I will enjoy answering the questions. There was no rule on the using a specific header so I just made my own. 

I will just give a brief go over of all my books. 

🔎The Jake Detectives: i have talked about this story some on here. Mystery / crime/ like the hardy boys or Nancy drew books. Characters: Joe, Kayla, Edmund, Lawrence, Honey, Clint Russel aka. he has another name. I'm not telling. 

🔎The Adventures of West Rover: this is my WIP. Adventure/ treasure hunt/ Indiana Jones inspired/ 50's. Characters: Ace, West, Indigo

🔎The Characters (this doesn't have a name yet); i am just planning this one. Modern/ mystery/ adventure across the states and other countries. Characters: Beth, Azure, Piper, Maverick, Kate


Rule One: Thank the lovely blogger who tagged you. You know you want to.
Rule Two: Include this lovely link in your post.
Rule Three: Use your own lovely Original Characters (OC’s); don’t use a friend’s characters or characters from your favorite fandom. They can be from any project, so long as you created them. For more fun, try to use as many different characters as possible.
Rule Four: Tag at least five lovely blogger friends to play along.

1.) Most Likely to Be a Poet

This would be Piper, she is musical, I'd say she would write music and maybe poems too. link to board

2.) Most Likely to Dance in the Rain
261.  long braids beauty Hair Makeup Fashion  health fitness antiaging
This would be Beth she loves to dance. It gets rid of her stress. I have thought of her dancing in the rain. Link to board

3.) Most Likely to Look Good in a Kilt
This probably would be Azure. She likes Scotland and has been there. She might where a kilt and look fairly good in it. Link to board

4.) Most Likely to Get Punched in the Face

This would be quite a few of my characters because they all fight at some point. I guess West he just asks for it sometimes.  

5.) Most Likely to Drop Everything and Become a Sheep Herder
So Passé Vintage: How to Dress for a Speakeasy: 1920's Style- men and women!
Maverick. Why? Because he is the secretive sort; also because of his Pinterest board( it fit the mood). He might pretend to be a sheep Herder to get close to the bad guys. board

6.) Most Likely to Be Found in the Library 
Amelia Pond. Like a name in a fairy tale.
Kayla she likes to study up for the mystery. And she loves to read when she finds time. She also studies codes. The library is a good place to get information. This is the 70's after all. the-jake-detectives-series board! 

7.) Most Likely to Sleep Through an Earthquake

This is one is hard! I am not sure which character sleeps so deeply. Wait it would be Kate. She likes to get her sleep and I think she sleeps through half of her getting kidnapped. * i have not written this story yet...

8.) Most Likely to Steal Food from Other Peoples’ Plates

Indigo. I don't have a lot of written back story, but I am sure in India (where he is from) he stole food. And I think he would still steal food. That will be more in the next West Rover book I write... I hope to write. LOL 

9.) Most Likely to Cheat on a Test

Okay what character would do this? Why can't I think?  Okay I thought of a character Clint Russel... He has some secret life and stuff, he would cheat on a test if that got him to where he wanted to be. 

10.) Most Likely to Say “Oops” After Setting Something on Fire

When I first read this one I thought of Ace Cutter my villain. He would set in on fire say "oops" than laugh...

11.) Most Likely to Open an Orphanage

I have to say Honey, Kayla's mom. She is kind and worries a lot. I have wrote her as a teen and a mom. I can see her in both books as some one who would start an orphanage. 

12.) Most Likely to Run off with the Circus

I guess I would say Indigo, he is that type and he is good with animals. Though doesn't fit my story in any way.... it is probable. 

13.) Most Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

I think this would be my character West Rover he is pretty hard core. 

14.) Most Likely to Fake Their Own Death

This would be Lawrence he has faked his death once and he would do it again. He's a detective some times it is best if the bad guys think he is dead. He is in three book that I have wrote. 

15.) Most Likely to Die and Haunt Their Friends

Ed??? He likes to joke around and would most likely haunt his friends cuz he thought it was funny. He would most likely scare them before they figured it out who was scaring them. They are detectives so... they would figure it out. 

***all pic's from Pinterest
That was fun! As you can see I don't have boards for all my books and not a lot for some characters. I'll figure out all I want someday... I haven't made up my mind, but some just need boards more than others. 

THE QUESTIONS: 1.) Most Likely to Be a Poet
2.) Most Likely to Dance in the Rain
3.) Most Likely to Look Good in a Kilt
4.) Most Likely to Get Punched in the Face
5.) Most Likely to Drop Everything and Become a Sheep Herder
6.) Most Likely to Be Found in the Library
7.) Most Likely to Sleep Through an Earthquake
8.) Most Likely to Steal Food from Other Peoples’ Plates
9.) Most Likely to Cheat on a Test
10.) Most Likely to Say “Oops” After Setting Something on Fire
11.) Most Likely to Open an Orphanage
12.) Most Likely to Run off with the Circus
13.) Most Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
14.) Most Likely to Fake Their Own Death
15.) Most Likely to Die and Haunt Their Friends

I tag 
Julian @ Saver Of Memories
Lisa @ Inkwell
Megs @ Stories By Megs
Kara @ Kara Armstrong
Brooklyne @ Showers of Blessings
If you have all ready done this tag sorry.

What story have you been working on? 
Which character do you like best or story?
Tell me below!! 


  1. I honestly love Indigo already. :) Great post!

  2. What fun!
    Thanks for tagging me, I'm excited to do this one!
    I love the picture you have for Maverick. It's fantastic! He looks mysterious, but kindly, and curious. Is that the kind of look you were going for? I like it!

    1. Your welcome! Hope you have fun! :)
      He has a great picture...Yes, yes that is exactly what Maverick is like! Thanks!

  3. Yay, I'm glad you had fun with the tag! And I enjoyed reading about all your characters. :D

    1. Yeah! Glad you liked reading about them! I have quite a few characters. :)

  4. Ohh, I love your character Kayla! And thanks for tagging me!!! :)

    1. Thanks! Kayla is a fun character, she is in my first finished book. Your welcome, hope you like doing it! ;D

    2. Cool!

      Oh and I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you over at my blog too! *winks*

    3. Okay I will have to check it out. Thanks!

  5. That was fun ... some of your reasons made me laugh, in a good way! sleeping through a kidnapping, pretending to be a sheep herder ;p

    1. It does sound funny now that you say it haha! I'm still working on getting the book ready for writing. :p

  6. Ohh fun, post. <3 <3 <3 Your characters sound so neat!

  7. What an interesting tag. I really loved the random 'become a sheep herder'!I really liked reading about your book characters. Kayla is my favorite as she loves books.
    Loren | Plaid & Sugar

    1. It was an interesting tag. Yeah I know the random questions were cool! Thank you! Kayla is a fun character! Thanks for commenting!


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