Thursday, February 7, 2019

Journal Tag

This is my first tag to do! I am not a constant journal writer but I have journaled some. Today you will go with me into the past and see a journal of sorts, of mine.

➽Thank whoever tagged you, then link to him/her and the creator(Melissa Gravitis).  

➽Thanks Keturah for tagging me!!!

➼Go through your old journals (writing or otherwise), and share something from them: from world-building to sketches, to random quotes, to an entry, to short snippets of writing! 

➼And if you feel like it needs explaining, go for it!

➼Tag at least five other bloggers. (we will see if I can tag than many)

➼Feel free to use the header image! 

➼Have fun!

In this box is a series of writings I did, what else do you think is inside?

I first started typing from day to day in 2011. I talked about the day and what it was like outside.

I used my typewriter

I didn't do a lot and only wrote for one year it was interesting to go back and look through my writing. It is quite hard to read. There are a lot of typos. It is very hard to type on a typewriter. I kept these in a desk.

In 2017 I started some more typing. Some about life and some papers I wrote posts because I wanted to start a blog. These are much better but still hard to read. 

I kept them in with the typewriter; they got a little crunched.

I had a lot of fun writing them. The only reason I stopped was because I didn't want to use all my ink up. I wanted to be able to use my typewriter for other things. 

I have quite a few papers. I wrote about my day or about books or about my life and what I thought.
It all went on the paper. It was a great way to vent. 

I you can read that small print, you might learn how I wrote with a typewriter/ me journaling.

I love my typewriter!
That is my one of my journals and probably a favorite. 

I tag, Meg
and Emily G
I also tag you if you really want to do this tag.

Hope you liked this. 
Have you ever typed on a typewriter?
What is your favorite way to journal?
Tell me below.  


  1. Thanks for the tag! I definitely will plan on doing this at some point.

    Also, I am in awe at the fact that you used a typewriter to journal. That is SO COOL!

  2. Oh, I had so much fun reading through this, Rakayle! I used to have an old type writer, and I did the same, trying to save the ink. It's how I learned to type correctly, though (I bought a typewriter book at a thrift store and learned that way).

    1. When I was around 11 I used my typewriter a lot and ran out of ink. We did find some more that is what I use now. Not sure if I could find more so I want to save ink. ;)
      I have never been good at typing on the typewriter. I have gotten good at typing from typing all my books onto the computer.

  3. That's so cool that you used a typewriter!

    1. Thanks!
      ...I have had that typewriter for a while now.

  4. I've never used a typewriter but I'd like to SO much!! It sounds really cool :) Great post!

    1. Typewriters are cool! I have always been fascinated with them. Thanks Ann!

  5. Oh fun!
    Thanks for tagging me! I'll get right to writing up my post. :D

  6. Thank you for sharing. That's a lovely typewriter! I adore typewriters. They are so fun

    1. Thank you Jack! They are fun!!

      Thanks for stopping by!!!


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