Sunday, April 21, 2019

Poem Book Giveaway Winner!

It's Sunday and that means I will be announcing the drawing of the winner of this poem book!

and the winner is...







YAY! Thanks for entering! Please email me so I can get the book sent to you.

Now for the questions you asked me last time.

Gray Marie

Favorite Detective?

Okay this is a great question. I love many detectives, but I think my favorite two are Frank and Joe Hardy in the Hardy Boys Books. They go way back. Those books inspired me to write mystery. I wrote my first book after reading some of the Hardy Boys. I think Joe is my favorite of the two, yet they awesome together. I do like Sherlock Holmes and other famous detectives but Frank and Joe have a special place in my heart.

Favorite Drink?

I really like to drink tea. Cold or hot. I don't drink a lot of coffee, but I really like homemade frappes. So one of those tea or a frappe. :)

Keturah Lamb

1. Would you rather only read new books or only reread books you have already read?

This one is somewhat hard, yet I do read a lot of books I haven't read before. I have a hard time rereading books because I know what is going to happen. So I'd say only read new books.

2. Would you rather fly a plane or drive a train?

I laughed when I first read this because it rimes but... I say plane. I am learning to fly a plane and that is what I want to do. I have never been to interested in trains a whole lot. I do have an obsession with pictures of train tracks, though.

3. Would you rather eat ice cream for a day or eat only pizza for a week?

I always have a hard time doing food "would you rather" because they are always hard to pick. I could eat ice cream for lunch easily and maybe supper... I wouldn't mind eating homemade pizza for a week, not from a pizza place. That would kill me. LOL.


Would you rather go rollerblading or ice skating? 

Rollerblading is hard, I have not done it that much. I have done a lot of ice skating. I do enjoyed it as long as my skates are sharp. I'm going to go with ice skating.

Would you rather own a giraffe or an elephant? 

This is hard! I think both are cool! I like giraffes because they are so cool, I have always loved their pattern! Elephants are neat because you can ride them.  There are also some cool stories about elephants too. I guess I will chose an elephant. I would have no where to put it, though...

Would you rather read or write?

What? I must choose?... this is so hard! I love to read and write so much! Reading is great and I think reading can help you write. At this time I really need to be writing. I think if it was for like a day or a few I would rather write. :)

Would you rather call or text?

Ooo, I like this one. I like all of them! I am not the best talking on the phone, I seem to have a phobia.  (I don't what to say the wrong thing.) I would like to get better... I don't really text because I don't have a cellphone, but I do like to email and message and write letters. Texting might be up my alley.

Would you rather have savory foods or desserts?

I love desserts! Savory foods are good too. At the moment I am hungry for supper. I will pick savory foods. ;)


Well thank you so much who asked questions and participated!


Hope you all have a great Passover or Easter! I will leave you with a verse.

John 1: 1-5 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Did you enjoy the giveaway?
What verses have you been reading?
Tell me below!


  1. Yay! :D
    I don't like talking on the phone either.

    1. Congrats!
      I know! It can be really hard to talk on the phone.

  2. Oh, I love your answers!!!
    I think my favorite detective would be Nancy Drew ;) So pretty close to yours ... I'm the same and have a hard time reading books I already know the ending to ;p ... IT'S ALWAYS BEEN A DREAM OF MINE TO RIDE ON A TRAIN ;d ... rollerblading is so much fun! We used to do it a ton when we kids were little ... and I used to not like talking on the phone so much, but after doing months of customer service and growing confident on the phone, I quite enjoy length phone conversations with friends.

    1. Thanks!
      I do like Nancy Drew, just not as much. ;)
      Yes. There are a few books I want to reread, but I don't have the time. ;D
      Oh, I have ridden on train! It is cool!
      I think rollerblading would be funner if I had some practice. I did do rollerblading more when I was little... in the house. :)
      I think if I got some practice I would feel better about talking on the phone. I guess I don't get a lot of calls ;p.
      Thanks for reading!

  3. Congrats Gray Marie!!!

    I loved reading your Q&A answers! (I like texting better than calling too!)

    1. ;)
      I'm glad you enjoyed reading my answers! (I understand!) :D


Every comment is loved. Thank you for being kind. I will always reply so come back, I love to get to know my readers.

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