Sunday, April 28, 2019

April Investigion

This was busy month, I rather enjoyed it. Things have worked out a little better than March. It is crazy how some days can differ completely from the other.

A lot of projects have been going good... Let's get on with the pictures and the month of April for me. 

On the 1st,  I finally got my saddle for being top senor in 4-h horse. It is so pretty! I love it! (I'm dressing 40's in the pic on my brother's birthday at the end of April. I am late on picture taking...)

It has colorful thread in the seat... I think it is amazing!!! 

I stared dressing up like the 1950s... a little. I have had a lot of fun. Some days I have just been doing my hair. I have a hard time styling my hair just right. Dressing old fashion is a lot of fun! Took some fun pics, like the ones above. 

It has been getting nice, slowly but surly. We had a few rains which is nice. 

I have been planning a speech or demo for 4-h. On the 21st I finally got an idea on that I like. I have less than 1 week to get it ready for the presentation. I will be doing it on the second of May.

Mom's tulips are growing. Everything is getting green!

I got a bit of writing done. I think I am past some of my difficult scenes, I don't know... something always comes up. I want to do the 100 for 100, Go Teen Writers did last year (I hope they do it again) so I am hoping to get my WIP done so I can start a new story for that challenge. My WIP was the same story I used for the last 100 for 100 .... This one has taken a long time to write.

Have started wearing my boots again. Instead of mud boots. Also starting to ride and train horses. Trimmed my young horses feet. Yes I do it myself, only him though. 

I read two books this month. The Boundless, by Kenneth Oppel and Palace of Spies, by Sarah Zettel. The first one I gave 5 stars, the second 3 stars. If you want to keep up on what I am reading check out my Goodreads here. I started reading a book about a horse, I was going to do a speech about the horse, but I changed my mind. So that book is on the back burner.

I got a lot of sewing done. I will be doing a post on my progress at some point in May. I did my first giveaway on my blog! That was fun!! I hope to do more sometime.
I finished my Geometry! I am so happy to get that done! Now I am working on my other school work. This will be my last year in homeshcool!

I just found out I got second place in an art contest! I'm not a big artist, but it is so cool to win. In May I will be talking about it some more. That is when I get my prize...
I entered some other contests... I can't wait to find out if I get chosen!
I started a using Spotify that has been interesting....

*Update it snowed this Sunday morning!

IT is no joke, I woke up and it is white... That is the north for you. It should melt soon, it is just really crazy an it is not even that cold.*  

I've got a lot of fun stuff planned for May so stick around!

How was your April?
Do you have anything fun coming in May?
Tell me below!!


  1. Congrats on your saddle! It sounds like you had a really great month. I hope May is excellent as well!

    (And I feel you on the weather - why does it have to keep changing?)

    1. Thanks Nicole! Yes it was. Thanks! I hope you have a good May too!

      Yes I wish it would stay nice... ;)

  2. It is interesting how some days are so different than others ;) that's exciting about the saddle! You look so much like Aunt Sarah dressed in 50s ;D Cute. I think they are doing the 100for100 next month, so totally gotta join!!! So funny we both got music stuff this last month, me Pandora, and you spotify ;D And wow .. we woke up to snow today, too .. and yesterday I went hiking in short sleeves ;p

    1. Yes the saddle is so exciting! It was back ordered since September. Thanks, I have been trying out different ways to get good curls. :)
      Ok awesome... I really need to work on getting my WIP done than. Oh I think I head of Pandora. I am starting to like Spotify besides the adds.
      I know I was enjoying the warm weather. :P

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Brooklyne! It is the coolest thing I have ever won. I did work for it though. :)

  4. Oh, nice saddle!!! I have some friends who do 4H, but when I was a teen, there wasn't a club in my area.

    Also, coolio on the styling...I can't do much with my hair besides a few simple hairstyles (ponytail, braid, etc). Mostly cuz I don't have the patience, lol

    1. It is really nice! :) Yeah for a while I wanted to do 4h and I finally got to.

      Thanks! I can be like that too. Braids have been my friends for a long time, but I want to start dressing vintage more so I am going to work for it. :)
      It does take some patience! Lol

  5. your april is very productive. anyway, I like your blog, wanna follow each other? please let me know. thanks :)

    INSTAGRAM: @julieann_lozada

    1. Hi glad you like my blog! I checked out your blog but I'm not sure if I agree with a post pictures. If you like follow me, I will think about following yours after I read a little more. I won't forget to check out you blog some more.
      Thanks for commenting!

  6. Congrats on the saddle!

    Ooh, I love spotify, I hope you have a good experience on it!!

    1. Thanks Gray!

      I have been liking spotify. I do like the playlist stuff!

  7. Oh, I don't think I knew you rode horses! Your saddle is gorgeous.

    Sounds like you did have a busy month! Looks like you had fun dressing up; I love older fashion, from the 40's, especially.

    1. Thanks Emily! I have talked about riding a little, not a lot though.

      It was busy! Yes the 40s is so cool! I have started looking into the 40s fashion more and having fun with it. :)


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