Monday, July 31, 2023

It's Almost August

 How is more than half the year gone by? I've been enjoying the summer. I love summer. 

It's been a very rainy year which is so great. I have been enjoing it. 

Been riding a lot. I don't have any pictures becouse it's I'm running out of space on google photos. 

Fair is almost here. I'm entering some of my sewing projects. 

School will be stating August 14. So I will be going back to work. I'm working with 5th graders. I know a lot of them, so it should be good. I have a lot of things planned, and it's going to be lots of fun. It still feels had to go back. But, I'm not dreading it so much like I have done before. I like this school a lot. 

Going to a wedding August 12, Maybe I will updade you guys. I'm sewing a dress for the wedding. Hope it is done in time. It was really stressing me out today.

Been trying to study up on the flight written. This might be one of th hardest things I've done. Photo above, is home from the air. 

I've been reading a lot this year. I think I have read more than 30 books now. Might to a post on that sometime. I'm on goodreads if you want to keep up. 

For He is faithful and just, and will forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness 

Let me know what you want me to write about. 


Rakayle a story detective.... 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Hi guys, its been a while.

 It's been a while.

I wish I was interested in blogging as of late. Maybe I can get into it again. 

I have been working and I just started writing again, since I last wrote in my story in August. 

I really want to finish this story this year. This new 2023, crazzy. 

Anyway here are some snips of this  WIP.  Let me know what you think. 


  And the scene was set me and Colter on the ground, three men looking down at us,

one blond lady scaling with a black eye, and another lady looking like a lawyer talking on her cell phone. It was 2 to 5 and the odds were not pretty. 


  β€œAre you alright? Izzy? Come on, I can't lose you right now.”
I wondered how I looked. Did I look truly awful, I wasn’t worried about my appearance,

but about how Colter thought I felt. Was I in pain? A little. My head was hurting,

my throat was burning like I had been hit there. I wondered if my elbow was bleeding.

I was achy all over as well, but I wondered how that affected my face. I turned my face to him,

I could help it anymore, those words would never leave my mind. β€˜I can’t lose you.’


 β€œIzzy,” Colter whispered in my ear. I snapped back to look at him, our faces so close my

lips could have kissed his cheek. β€œYou look so pale.” 

β€œI’m going to be okay, stop worrying about me right now.” 


Everything was looking ready to ship out. Ninja and the sheriff came for us.

Both me and Colter were pulled to our feet. The sheriff scaled at me like I was something dirty to deal with. Colter’s escort took him ahead of me and my guard and we neared the semi. Miss Blondie looked at the both of us and gave the order. Put them in the semi bed. So this was our fate. I gave a little start. Colter tried to spring away but the man held him firm and punched him in the kidney. β€œStop it,'' I shrieked, pulling away only to get a fresh slap in the face. The lady with the black eye backed away not forgetting the pain, I gave her. 

Colter stood, and calmed down, he didn’t want me hurt.

Neither of us tried to get away after that, wanting to spare each other pain.

I stopped Colter and he stopped me.


The closing of the doors behind us was sickening.

It was like a coffin being closed on someone alive, to be buried deep in a dark place and forgotten

by the world. Lost forever on a ship in a never ending journey in troublesome waves that mocked your

life. How small it was, how weak and shallow it was.


Something Simple

Hope you liked!!!

Rakayle ❀☺

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Cover Reveal ONCE I KNEW

 Cover reaveil for Victoria Lynn's new book. ONCE I KNEW! 

About the story!

Chronicles of Elira Book #1


Violet lives her quiet life in her sleepy village, trying to remain as dead to the politics that are threatening their world as possible. She follows the rules, stays out of trouble and does her best to remain out of sight from the dreaded and overbearing Kingsmen.


With the new regent on the throne till the prince comes of age, the country has been thrown into a turmoil. Unlike the kindly king before him, the chancellor is overbearing, frightening and tyrannical in his rule. Taxes are bleeding the people dry and without the money or goods to pay, they have been forced into penal servitude and imprisonment by the Kingsmen, who show no mercy. The despair and fear that has taken over their lives has ruled out any level of hope.


When Violet stumbles upon an unconscious and injured Kingsman in the woods, despite the consequences, she is compelled to take care of the injured man. When he wakes and has no memory of his identity or past, she takes the only precaution that will keep her and her grandmother safe; she destroys the evidence of his past life.


If Violet’s lowly Kingsman regains his memory, will she survive the consequences? And will the Kingsman be able to live with his past life? Who will fight to free Elira?


The cover.







. Is coming




> > > > > > > > > > down

> > > > > > > > > > >

SO so cute be sure to check it out!

EBOOK: Preorder on amazon. 

Paperback and Special Edition Hardcover: Purchased on her website 


The preorder boxes are full of some DOPE stuff. LOL! These are my pride and joy so I really hope you all like them. I have a limited quantity, so if you want one, make sure you camp out, the sale will be live at 10am EST and with the response that I’ve gotten on them, I wouldn’t be surprised if they go fast so make sure you keep an eye on that! They include a special edition hardcover copy (illustrated with bonus scenes and an extra map), a custom Irewolf Co. Candle inspired by the book, 2 custom stickers, 2 main character cards with quotes, Colored Map print created by Sweet Sequels, Specialty tea blend inspired by the book, Aesthetic Bookmark with inspirational quote, and pre-release shipping! (you'll have the book before anyone else!)


Special Edition Hardcover: I splurged on something extra special and this baby is going to be formatted REALLY PRETTY with illustrations and a map that will not be included in the other types of the book. It will also have bonus material as a thank you for splurging on the hardcover with an extra epilogue and sneak peak not in the other editions!

Hope you check this book out!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Updates!! 2022

 Hi, Friends, sorry Its been so long. Life just changes course and I can't seem to think about blogging anymore. oops. 

Anyway I thought I would give you a few updates. So my last post was in July which was before school started, and I work at a school, in Kindergarten. 

 So after that, I've been busy working and working and some other things...

In September I did a reel contest on Instagram... 

Did one with this dress I made. 

Off to work

Went to camp in September/October

Tea party. 

The girl cousins. 

Made this dress and took it to the state wool contest

In the hotel...

At the show. 

Went snowboarding in January
not too long ago... 

The horses..
They are doing good!


How have you been? 
Did you miss me?


August 2021 Investigation

 Hi frends, I was hopping I would start posting more, But it doesn't seem to happen

Had some fun Photo fun!

Fair happened 

My sister was in the 4-H Round Robin 

Did a Merida Photo shoot with my sister it was lots of fun. I made the dress and am selling it on Ebay.

My horses. 
I read 

Here is my month anyway. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

July 2021 Investigation

 Hi ho, it's been a hot month! 

It's been a busy good month for the most part. 

Did some cow work!

Forth of July took my horse Solo through the parade. 

Crazy Rhubarb came too. 
Grandma came and watched the parade. She is in the purple flower shirt! Love her!

Brothers got baptized!

When to this bridge, it's a cool bridge. 

Made this dress. ^^ It's more like a pinafore, something sort of vintage. 
If you interested in one, I've been trying get orders for an outfit one would like. So if you like this, I made one, I can make you one. 
Pray for rain, we need it. 

Still posting on Instagram too, if you want to check out my account @rahwrite 

I love the prairie girl look. =] 

It's been a hundred degrees a lot this month. 

Another bridge. Fun fun! 

I read lot's of books this month
The Ghosts of Greenglass House... great read!
Little Women, love this book so much, I didn't know how much I would like it!
Enola Holmes book 2, very good, listened to the audio in like two days, almost better then the first. 
Eight Cousins, really loved this one, I didn't want it to end. 

Been writing lots, which is good, I'm so happy I've been on track and getting a lot done! 

Finally got some more horse work done. Been longing my horse Solo, and got a bit of riding in on Rhubarb. 

Being brave/// Merida ... Sorry I might, like red hair a lot. 

Photo shoot with my brave dress that I sewed. I'm selling it on Ebay, if your interested CLICK HERE or if you know if someone who might be interested please tell them.. Thanks! 

I'm not sure if I'm ready for August, I just want summer to keep going, I have way too many sewing projects I want to get done! lol 

How was your month?
Are you enjoying summer?
Tell me below! 

It's Almost August

 How is more than half the year gone by? I've been enjoying the summer. I love summer.  It's been a very rainy year which is so grea...